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Entries in Funny (8)


Going to "fast"

Getting tired of hearing the news with every two time politician and social activist starting a fast.

Seriously here, here, here and here...and much much more.

Half these guys are overweight and their fasting is more of a much needed break from binge eating. To top this off, they get a ton of press, a "breaking the fast" press release where everyone is feeding the faster (fastee?) a glass of orange juice, milk, sweets etc. which negate the whole fast this guy was on, which by the way does not go past one day (typically)!

Next thing we know there will be headlines like :

10 year old boy goes on fast unto iPad 3 or

Engineering graduate goes on fast unto getting a girlfriend in Chennai etc..

For crying out loud, enough with the fasting already!

We should say "patni kedakkariya.. Nalladhu! Odambu koraiyum." (Want to starve for a few days, good. Your body will get in shape).

Or I am going to go on a fast unto no fasting..



Addictive video..

My cousin shared a really addictive video called "Land of Lungi"

It is a nice appreciation/funny video of Kerala, a southern state in India. If you are a Tamilian who travels a lot and lives outside of Tamilnadu, chances are your life crosses paths with way too many folks who are Keralites and you are heavily influenced by the culture from Kerala. You always go to Vishu parties, you prefer Ada pradaman to semiya paayasam and you constantly try to convince your wife that a white silk saree with gold jewellery with coins will suit her, irrespective of what the oldies in your house say about a white saree being unauspicious..

As usual I am off topic. Back to the Land of the Lungi..

Check out this video. Really cool..

The little one has been dancing with the iPhone in her hand to this song wearing her
"T-shirt and chaddi".. She even has a bangra type move where she points her two index fingers into the sky and does a little jiggle.

We are actually thinking of making a secret video of it tomorrow, when she is wearing her pants.

Long live the land of Lungi!




after turning on the ads on the side (for more than two months) happened to go check that account.


have made a whopping 7300 bucks!

No, just kidding.

Actually made 73 cents in two months.

When I told my MIL that there was enough money to buy balli mittai for one kid, she said "how come I don't see any ads?". Then we compared it on our laptops and she was right. My laptop shows the ads and her laptop didn't.

Then we figured out that the ads show up only on Firefox and you don't see them if you use Internet explorer as the browser. My MIL, who is very devoted to her Microsoft employee son, is loyal to the explorer. Me being the paranoid techie, switched to firefox after many friends told me it is safer.

The lack of making the 10000 dollar mark.. err. 1$ mark has been blamed on IE.

To all those people who said "indha blog wog ellam oru ana paisavukku prayojanam unda?" (Is this blog wog even worth an ana paisa?).....

Okay, first we need to tell you what an ana-paisa is. One "ana" which used to be the old Indian minor currency denomination is 6.25 paise in today's terms. (one rupee was 16 anas and is now 100 paise).

If you use the conversion, one dollar is 47.66 rupees (today's rate). One rupee is 16 anas. So 1 ana is 0.13 cents. If I made 73 cents, it is 556 anas!

There, take that you nay sayers!

ps. The ads are consistantly irrelevant since they were turned on. The topic of the post and the ads seem to have no connection. Really wanted to see the algorithm at work. That is the real reason for turning on adsense. Fond hopes that a photoblog for canon and HDR would turn up ads for really popular software that fits the context. Nope, instead we get ads for home loans. This seems to be highly over rated!



Eyes Eyes baby

Jr., in her infinite wisdom at a camp she attends last week, figures out that she can learn to "spray" sunscreen on her own! (we have only used the cream with our hands at home, no spray!).

She sprays the sunscreen directly into her eyes. Worse, she does not tell anyone at the camp and no one (well the camp has high school and college kids as supervisors) notices that Jr.'s eyes are blood red by end of the day! If only they had seen it and washed her eyes off !!!

Off we go to a doctor who gives her an antibiotic of sorts, called VIGAMOX, which does not do anything to improve the situation and two days later, a trip to an eye doctor ends up with a presciption for "lubrication drops", which is finally showing some results, albeit slowly!

That has been the story of the week, with us worrying about the possibilty of a blind Jr.. She being a natural drama queen, pisses us off by practising for her future blindness in front of us. The nerve this girl has!

What is the point in giving up "potato" when a five year old can give your heart the stress test, at the drop of a hat?

Jr. is doing better now. (the photograph was taken after 24 hours of the new treatment and the redness has gone back a little).

The kids decided to play funny and take photos in the backyard, when I went to take a picture of Jr.'s eyes! Here are some samples.

These photos are the antidote to the first photo! The girls like my hand drawn pottu's (bindi's) and don't mind staying still to let me draw them on their forehead with mommy's eyeliner.

Now the little one goes "Daddy, can you draw a doggie and make it my pottu?"

Will have to try, no?



Freedom is relative ..

Before you assume that there is some typo in the title and I am trying to talk about any relatives, let me stop you right there!

This post is about "Freedom" and how it is not absolute. It is relative.

To make my point, take a healthy young lion living in a simple 20 square meter zoo cage. It probably feels oppressesed, trapped, etc. etc. and has definitely lost its freedom (in this case freedom of movement). Take the same lion and move it to the middle of a 20 acre park which has a simulated savannah and a fake lake with a few Gazelles which it can hunt every now and then. It probably feels free. It would not bother the lion that the 20 acre perimeter has electrified fences or other mechanisms which would endanger its life, far more than the boundaries of the cage, because as far as its eyes can see, it is "free to move"! It might feel trapped when it gets near the perimeter!

Now, who am I and what have I done to Sundar? Nothing really. While driving back from work today, my thought process, which is prone to wandering in the absence of enough caffeine, sugar or starch for a whole afternoon, went to explore the meaning of freedom. This thought was triggered (as many others in the past), by the public radio news report in the background which said that the President of the USA has asked the White House Counsel, Harriet Miers to ignore a subpoena and not show up for questioning! by a committee investigating the selective firing of Judiciary folks!

My sugar starved brain asked myself a few questions in the following order:

Is the President of the US above the Law ?
Can he actually tell who can and cannot show up when summoned by the Judiciary branch?
Is this because he IS the Law of the land?
Oh wait, wasn't that answer to that question "the constitution" ?
Did I not read my Citizenship test material right about the various branches of government?
Did we not hang a dude in another country in the name of bringing a former head of state to Justice and say things like "no one is above the law! and the laws of that country (which were practically rewritten by the USA) are holding that dude accountable for his actions" etc. etc. ?
Can any leader of any country be above the law of that land and not answer to the people or the law governing that land?

Well, the answer to the last question at least, is a big NO! We all saw how Saddam was brought to "Justice"!. Before you flame me and say "are you supporting Saddam ?" , "he was a dictator who deserved death", "he tortured and killed so many people" etc. etc. I will make it very very clear. This is not about Saddam's death being deserved or not, this is not a pro or anti Saddam Hussein point I am trying to make here (for the record, he deserved what was dished out by his own people!). It is purely to elucidate the fact he was held accountable for his actions by people in his country with their laws (at least according to the world media) with a lot of publicity for "no one is above the law in a democratic land! See what the power of demoscary.. er..democracy can do!".

What definitely strikes me as odd is that we in the USA are supposed to live in a :
Free Country,
Country ruled by the people,
etc. etc.

all of which are supposedly lacking in dictatorial, theocratic, third world nations, which is feeding the demand for "the democratizers" (think of them as Ghostbusters, except they look like ordinary military dudes without any cool gadgets, well.. they are ordinary military dudes!) aka "liberators", "peacekeepers", "nation rebuilders", etc. etc.

This freedom is very weak and definitely "relative". It is more a perception of freedom than freedom itself, much like the case of the lion in a fake safari! When pushed to the boundaries, this freedom is as fickle as the freedom in those third world countries. How else can you explain what is happening today? A majority of the populace is struggling to implement a plan to end an occupation in a foreign land, but is really impotent as long as one man has enough power to just do what he feels like doing?

I do not know! I am still new to this constituion thing and I know I have a lot of catching up to do! Sometimes when I think that a big part of my salary which goes in taxes is directly being spent on buying one way tickets to the middle east for American kids who do not have any other options after high school, or kill Iraqi innocents in the name of liberating them, I have difficulty sleeping.

So what is the freedom that I still have? I have the Freedom of the Mouse and Keyboard! I could still write this post and put it on the internet! I can tell the Gallup poll guy (who always calls me in the evening exactly when I am asking god, why he gave me only two hands and not four to handle two kids) that I do not support the war and I want the American troops back!

I can voice my opinion that instead of sending those kids who joined the services because of a lack of other choices, to die in Iraq, give them interest free loans to get college degrees or better give them a free higher education! As for those kids that really went to the Armed services because that was their calling, instead of rebuilding Iraq, ask them to support rebuilding of all those ghost towns in the USA which have lost their local economy to international competition and start securing this country at its own borders. There are plenty of people still sneaking across all borders who could be a threat to national security (if we are to believe the same world media).

Now that I have written this, I can stop thinking of myself as a toothless lion and go run around in my fake grassland.

Give me a F
Give me a R
Give me some E's..

Gooooooooooooooo FREE country!!
